
Women’s Hormone : Empowering Health Journey

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the blood, which carries them to tissues and organs of your body to do their functions. They are produced from the endocrine glands in the body. Hormones work overtime and play essential roles including development, growth, sexual function, metabolism and more. They play a crucial role in women’s  hormone health. Hormonal imbalance can impact all aspects of a woman’s health, not just fertility.

Role Of Women’s Hormones

They play a crucial role in women’s bodies by acting on DNA to direct the various cells to produce specific proteins. A single hormone has significant effects throughout the body. When it comes to Women’s reproductive health, many women know the basics that progesterone and estrogen works together to create a 28 day menstrual cycle every month until menopause.

Causes of female hormone imbalance

They can occur due to various factors. Moreover, they can target women of different age groups. A regular menstrual cycle is a good sign of a healthy endocrine system. Any changes in the menstrual cycle should be investigated as soon as possible.

It is important to collect information about normal levels and how they can change over time. Poly cystic ovary syndrome is also a cause of hormonal imbalance. It is a disorder characterized by enlarged ovaries with small cysts. It can lead to high levels of androgen’s (male hormones) and insulin resistance, causing irregular periods and fertility issues. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and maternal period can lead to fluctuations in energy levels, estrogen, progesterone and breastfeeding.

Female Sex Hormones

They are natural substances, which are  produced in the body. They help to transfer messages between organs and cells, which affects many bodily functions. The two main female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone.

  • Estrogen – It is the major sex hormone. During pregnancy, placenta makes estrogen and in small amounts are produced in the fat cells and adrenal glands. It Plays a crucial role in reproductive development which includes puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Normal ranges of estrogen levels are :
    • Adult female ( Menopausal ) – 15-350 pg/ml
    • Adult female ( Postmenopausal ) – <10 pg/ml
  • Progesterone – It is produced by ovaries after Ovulation. Placenta also produces it during pregnancy. Progesterone plays a major role in supporting pregnancy, preparing the lining of the uterus for a fertilized egg and suppressing estrogen production after ovulation. Normal ranges of progesterone levels are :
    • Before Puberty – 0.1–0.3 ng/ml
    • During first stage of menstrual cycle – 0.1–0.7 ng/ml
    • while ovulating – 2–25 ng/ml
    • First trimester of pregnancy – 10–44 ng/ml
    • Second trimester – 19.5–82.5 ng/ml
    • Third trimester – 65–290 ng/ml
Role Of Hormones In Sexual Desire

Female sex desire is also called libido. Sexual hormones plays a Important role in sexual desire. Due to hormonal fluctuations, women are generally at the peak of sexual desire just before ovulation. Females at different stages of their menstrual cycle have been shown to display differences in sexual desires. Production of other chemicals involved in pleasure and attraction such as dopamine and nor epinephrine, due to boosting functioning of estrogen and testosterone. Pleasurable situations encourage the release of dopamine which in return stimulates us to seek out the activity or experience further. Estrogen supports the release of dopamine, while testosterone helps our bodies to produce it.

Women’s Hormones During Pregnancy

There is a large amount of change in range level in the female’s body during pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which is made in placenta during pregnancy. Second is Human placental lactogen. It is also made by the placenta. It also stimulates milk glands in the breasts for breastfeeding.Third and fourth hormones are estrogen and progesterone. They both made placenta during pregnancy. Meanwhile, estrogen helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy while progesterone stimulates the thickening of the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg.


They are powerful agents of variation. By understanding the factors that affect the levels of female sex hormones, many women know the basics of it and their fluctuated nature. By seeking medical guidance, collecting education on its imbalance and prioritizing self-awareness. women can navigate the world of it with grace and well-being. It is essential to recognize that each woman’s hormonal journey is unique.

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