
Vitamins Uncovered: Exploring the Nutritional Wonders

Welcome to “Vitamins Uncovered: Exploring the Nutritional Wonders” In this blog, we inquire into the world of vitamins. they are types of nutrients that are essential to an organism in small quantities for bodily functions such as making our bones strong, wound healing, regulating hormones and helps to fight with infection. In this Blog, we explore their importance, food sources, functions and constant health benefits.

Understanding The Basics

Just like other nutrients, vitamins must be obtained from the diet for survival. There are Thirteen vitamins that are universally recognized. Basically, there are Two types of vitamins that are fat soluble and water soluble in which nine vitamins are water soluble and other four, such as vitamin A, D, E and K are fat soluble.

Water soluble vitamins include vitamin C and all of the B vitamins ( Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Folate, B6, B12, Biotin and Pantothenic Acid ). Vitamins act as catalyst cofactor or coenzyme for biological reactions. Some vitamins have pharmacological actions when used above the normal intake.

Factors For Vitamin Deficiency

Their deficiencies are most common in developing countries due to poor nutrition, disease, drugs etc. A deficiency is the common cause of blindness in these countries. There are some known factors for  deficiencies :

  1. Poor intake is the major factor for deficiency.
  2. Increased demand during growth, pregnancy, lactation.
  3. Poor digestion or absorption
  4. I.V use of nutrients
  5. Prolonged use of antibiotics
  6. Use of anti-vitamins such as antifolates, consumption of raw fish, isoniazid etc.
Dietary Sources of Vital Vitamins

Food plays an important role in dietary sources of vitamins. What you  Eating can affect how you feel today as well as how you feel years from now. Some foods can impair your digestive system, can decrease your energy levels and raise your risk of health disorders.

  • Foods high in vitamin A : It is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin A helps you ward off bacterial and viral infections. It often helps to prevent night blindness. Foods that are high in Vitamin A are – Sweet potatoes, winter squash, apricots, spanish and carrots
  • Foods high in vitamin B : Vitamin B9, B12, B6 are essential for synthesis of DNA, formation of red blood cells and proper nerve functions. Foods that are high in B12 and B6 are – eggs, milk and seafood.
  • Foods high in vitamin C : It is also known as ascorbic acid. It plays an important role in improving the body’s iron absorption. Foods that are specifically rich in vitamin C are – broccoli, papaya, brussels sprouts and strawberries.
  • Foods high in Vitamin D : We can synthesise it from sunlight easily. Foods that also provide vitamin D are – milk and eggs.
  • Foods High in Vitamin E : They help us to protect from damage. Foods that are high in it are – broccoli, asparagus and parsley
  • Foods high in vitamin K : Vitamin K is critical for your body’s formation of blood clots. Without it, you could bleed to death from a simple cut. Foods that are high in it are the same as vitamin D
Well-Balanced and Healthy Diet Plan

A balanced diet is good for mental health and physical activities. Sometimes we eat because we enjoy the taste and experience of different foods. Sharing food and meals are important social events. But other than for pleasure, we need food to get nutrients, vitamins, minerals and energy.

Vitamin rich diet helps in metabolism regulation, aiding cells growth and plays a crucial role in other biochemical functions. If you have a low level of a particular vitamin, there is unlikely to be a benefit from taking a supplement. Adding a wide variety of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats in your diet will provide a well-rounded array of vitamins essential for overall health.

Final Words

Remember, They are too used to make cells, but they work as essential catalysts in biological processes. The above blog unpack the essential vitamins required for daily functioning. They help in strengthening bones, healing wounds as well as repairing damaged cells.

While supplementation may be necessary for certain individuals or specific circumstances, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen. Let’s make them as a part of an approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and nourishing our bodies.

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